Single Source Capacitated Facility Location Problem
The following data sets are used in Guastaroba G. and Speranza M.G. "A Heuristic for BILP Problems: The Single Source Capacitated Facility Location Problem", European Journal of Operational Research, 238(2), 438-450, 2014.
Each of the following .zip files contains the corresponding instances and a Readme.txt file where the format of the instances is defined.
For each instance we also provide the optimal solution value, if available, or the best lower and upper bounds reported in the paper mentioned above.
Data set OR-Library: instances, solution values.
Data set Holmberg: instances, solution values.
Data set Yang: instances, solution values.
Data set TBED1: TB1 instances, TB2 instances, TB3 instances, TB4 instances, TB5 instances, solution values.