Tutorials and Surveys


  1. Bertazzi and M.G. Speranza. Inventory routing problems with multiple customers. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 2:255-275, 2013.

  2. L. Bertazzi and M.G. Speranza. Inventory routing problems: An introduction. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 1:307-326, 2012.

  3. L. Bertazzi and M.G. Speranza. Matheuristics for inventory routing problems. Hybrid Algorithms for Service, Computing and Manufacturing Systems: Routing and Scheduling Solutions, J.R. Montoya-Torres, A.A. Juan, L.H. Huatuco, J. Faulin and G.L. Rodriguez-Verjan (eds), IGI Global, pages 1–14, 2011.

  4. L. Bertazzi, M. Savelsbergh, and M.G. Speranza. Inventory routing. The Vehicle Routing Problem: Latest Advances and New Challenges, B. Golden, S. Raghavan and E. Wasil (eds), Springer, pages 49–72, 2008.


  1. L.C. Coelho, J.F. Cordeau and G. Laporte, Thirty Years of Inventory Routing. Transportation Science, 2013, doi: 10.1287/trsc.2013.0472.

  2. N.H. Moin and S. Salhi. Inventory routing problems: a logistical overview. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 58(9):1185–1194, 2007.

  3. A. Campbell, L. Clarke, and M.W.P. Savelsbergh. Inventory routing in practice. The vehicle routing problem, P. Toth and D. Vigo (eds), SIAM monographs on discrete mathematics and applications, 9:309–330, 2002.

  4. A. Campbell, L. Clarke, A. Kleywegt, and M. Savelsbergh. The inventory routing problem. Fleet management and logistics, T.G. Crainic and G. Laporte (eds), Kluwer, 95-113, 1998.

  5. F. Baita, W. Ukovich, R. Pesenti, and D. Favaretto. Dynamic routing-and-inventory problems: a review. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 32(8):585– 598, 1998.

  6. A. Federgruen and D. Simchi-Levi. Analysis of vehicle routing and inventory-routing problems. Handbooks in operations research and management science, M.O Ball, T.L. Magnanti, C.L. Monma and G.L. Nemhauser (eds), Elsevier, 8:297–373, 1995.